Let me know your thoughts in your Replies below. So what do you guys think about a possible Black Ops 3 release on Wii U? Would you like to buy it? Are you hyped for it? Do you think this is all a big hoax, or is there a real possibility there might be a release on the Wii U? Personally, I would buy it. The second thing that's happened to suggest that the Wii U might get a Black Ops 3 port is that somebody on Twitter was asking about why the option to link your Nintendo ID was added on the website, and Activision tweeted back, "Hey there. This has got a lot of people to thinking, "Why would Activision do this unless they were planning on releasing future CoD games on Wii U consoles?". Recently, the option to link your Nintendo ID to your CoD website account has been added. For one, on the Call of Duty website, when you register, you can link your CoD website account to your console network account to keep track of your stats, such as Kills, Deaths, etc. As for the second question, there's two things that's recently happened to suggest that there might be a Wii U release. Well, for the first question, I have no clue why Treyarch or Activision would do that. So why in the world would Treyarch and Activision do something that's likely to flop, and why did this rumor even start in the first place? It's not as if it's been officially confirmed. Why would Treyarch and Activision do that? The two Call of Duty games released on Wii U, Black Ops 2 and Ghosts, have sold like crap, and no DLC packs were sold for the Wii U versions, and the latest release, Advanced Warfare, completely skipped Nintendo's latest console. "Wait, what?" I bet you're thinking right now. It appears as if Black Ops 3 will be coming to the Wii U. But there's been a rumor circulating around the internet regarding this upcoming game. Eavesdrop is also not present as a result. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition No voice chat in the multiplayer. It contains a ton of new gameplay elements, and looks to have a much better campaign and story than its predecessors in the Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex, Call of Duty: Black Ops and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, however, are still playable online, as they run off Activision servers instead of Nintendo servers. Based on a visual analysis at least, it seems clear that developer Treyarch thought its best bet. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, being developed by Treyarch, has been hyped a lot lately. Unfortunately, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 proves that the situation is not quite so straightforward. So if you've been living under a rock, or you're just plain ignorant, then you wouldn't know that Activision has recently announced the latest game in the Call of Duty series: Black Ops III.

But my interest has lately been revived, and for my coming-back topic, I've decided to talk about two things I like a lot: the Wii U and Call of Duty. Call of Duty Black Ops II voor de Nintendo Wii UAn entry into the blockbuster first-person shooter franchise, Call of Duty: Black Ops II brings players back.

I've just sort of lost interest in the SMBX community and game. All right guys, if you've been wondering where I've been, I've been inactive for a while.